
Strategic timing: Days you shouldn’t buy lottery tickets in 2024

Have you ever wondered if the timing of your lotto ticket purchase could impact your chances of winning? While the lottery is a game of chance, there are strategies you can use to increase your luck. One of them is avoiding buying tickets during a bad day.

Japan has a culture believing that the day you choose to buy your tickets can determine your success. While it’s not a proven strategy, some people believe there might be bad or good times to buy a ticket

In this XO Lotto guide, we’ll explore avoiding certain days when purchasing lottery tickets to increase your chances of winning. Discover the unsuccessful day lottery to know which days you should skip when trying your luck!

Calendar of days when you should not buy lottery tickets

Check out the unsuccessful lottery calendar to see the dates you should avoid when buying lotto tickets. We include here the lottery date and what it’s called from March to December: 


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
2SaturdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
5TuesdayDay of Receiving Death
7ThursdayDay of Failure
8FridayDay of Buddha’s Passing
11MondayDay of Failure
12TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
15FridayThree Neighbouring Deaths
17SundayDay of Receiving Death
18MondayDay of Buddha’s Passing
19TuesdayDay of Failure
24SundayDay of Buddha’s Passing
27WednesdayDay of Failure / Three Neighbouring Deaths
29FridayDay of Receiving Death
30SaturdayDay of Buddha’s Passing


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
4ThursdayDay of Failure
5FridayDay of Buddha’s Passing / Day of Receiving Death
9TuesdayDay of Failure
10WednesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
12FridayThree Neighbouring Deaths
16TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
17WednesdayDay of Failure / Day of Receiving Death
22MondayDay of Buddha’s Passing
24WednesdayThree Neighboring Deaths
25ThursdayDay of Failure
28SundayDay of Buddha’s Passing
29MondayDay of Receiving Death


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
3FridayDay of Failure
4SaturdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
5SundayDay of Receiving Death
8WednesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
11SaturdayDay of Failure/Three Neighbouring Deaths
14TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
17FridayDay of Receiving Death
19SundayDay of Failure
20MondayDay of Buddha’s Passing
23ThursdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
26SundayDay of Buddha’s Passing
27MondayDay of Failure
29WednesdayDay of Receiving Death


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
1SaturdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
4TuesdayDay of Failure/Three Neighbouring Deaths
5WednesdayDay of Receiving Death
7FridayThree Neighbouring Deaths
10MondayDay of Failure
11TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
17MondayDay of Receiving Death/Day of Buddha’s Passing
18TuesdayDay of Failure
19WednesdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
23SundayDay of Buddha’s Passing
26WednesdayDay of Failure
29SaturdayDay of Buddha’s Passing/Day of Receiving Death


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
1MondayThree Neighbouring Deaths
4ThursdayDay of Failure
5FridayDay of Buddha’s Passing
10WednesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
11ThursdayDay of Failure
16TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
17WednesdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
19FridayDay of Failure
22MondayDay of Buddha’s Passing
27SaturdayDay of Failure
28SundayDay of Buddha’s Passing
29MondayDay of Receiving Death/Three Neighbouring Deaths


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
3SaturdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
6TuesdayDay of Failure
7WednesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
13TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
14WednesdayDay of Failure
15ThursdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
17SaturdayDay of Receiving Death
19MondayDay of Buddha’s Passing
22ThursdayDay of Failure
25SundayDay of Buddha’s Passing
27TuesdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
29ThursdayDay of Receiving Death
30FridayDay of Failure
31SaturdayDay of Buddha’s Passing


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
4WednesdayDay of Failure
5ThursdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
11WednesdayThree Neighbouring Deaths / Day of Buddha’s Passing
12ThursdayDay of Failure
16MondayDay of Receiving Death
17TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
20FridayDay of Failure
23MondayThree Neighbouring Deaths / Day of Buddha’s Passing
28SaturdayDay of Failure / Day of Receiving Death
29SundayDay of Buddha’s Passing


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
3ThursdayDay of Failure
4FridayDay of Buddha’s Passing
5SaturdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
9WednesdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
10ThursdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
11FridayDay of Failure
16WednesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
17ThursdayDay of Receiving Death
19SaturdayDay of Failure
21MondayThree Neighbouring Deaths
22TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
27SundayDay of Failure
28MondayDay of Buddha’s Passing
29TuesdayDay of Receiving Death


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
1FridayDay of Buddha’s Passing
2SaturdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
4MondayDay of Failure
7ThursdayThree Neighbouring Deaths / Day of Buddha’s Passing
12TuesdayDay of Failure
13WednesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
16SaturdayDay of Receiving Death
19TuesdayThree Neighbouring Deaths / Day of Buddha’s Passing
20WednesdayDay of Failure
25MondayDay of Buddha’s Passing
28ThursdayDay of Failure / Day of Receiving Death


DateDay of the WeekUnlucky Day
1SundayThree Neighbouring Deaths
5ThursdayDay of Failure
6FridayDay of Buddha’s Passing
12ThursdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
13FridayDay of Failure
16MondayThree Neighbouring Deaths
17TuesdayDay of Receiving Death
18WednesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
21SaturdayDay of Failure
24TuesdayDay of Buddha’s Passing
28SaturdayThree Neighbouring Deaths
29SundayDay of Failure / Day of Receiving Death
30MondayDay of Buddha’s Passing

When not to play the lottery: Unsuccessful day lottery

After finding out different bad luck dates, let’s dig deeper into the most common, not auspicious day from the list above. Some people believe that when you buy a lottery game ticket on that day, you have a higher chance of being unsuccessful. 

Buddha’s Passing

Butsunetsu, or Buddha’s passing, is the most unlucky day in the Rokuyo calendar (a system of six days used to indicate the luckiness or unluckiness of a day). The six days of the Rokuyo calendar are:

  • Sensho: A lucky day for new beginnings, such as starting a new job or business.
  • Tomobiki: A day of mixed luck. It is said to be a good day for making friends but not for starting new projects.
  • Senbu: An unlucky day for new beginnings. It is said to be a good day for completing tasks, but not for starting new ones.
  • Taian: The luckiest day of the week. It is said to be a good day for any kind of activity.
  • Butsumetsu: The unluckiest day of the week. It is said to be a bad day for any kind of activity.
  • Shakko: A day of mixed luck. It is said to be a good day for travel and communication but not for starting new projects.

As per the Rokuyu calendar, which identifies Butsumetsu as the most unlucky day, some lotto players avoid buying lottery tickets on this date.

Unfulfilled Day (Day of Failure)

In Japan, there’s a traditional calendar called Senjitsu. It uses a special system to mark certain days as good or bad luck. One of these unlucky days is called Fujōjubi, which translates to ‘day of no accomplishment’ or ‘failure.’ When you buy a lottery ticket on a day when nothing goes well, your chances of winning might be lower. 

Here are the Day of Failure dates in 2024:

  • March 7, 11, 19, 27
  • April 4, 9, 17, 25
  • May 3, 11, 19, 27
  • June 4, 10, 18, 26
  • July 4, 11, 19, 27
  • August 6, 14, 22, 30
  • September 4, 12, 20, 28
  • October 3, 11, 19, 27
  • November 4, 12, 20, and 28
  • December 5, 13, 21, 29.

Death Date 

Jushichi might be the unluckiest day you can find in the Japanese calendar. Its name is a warning sign, literally translating to ‘day of receiving death.’ The belief is that whatever you attempt on this day will fail. Because of this, you should avoid buying lottery tickets or other major events in your life.

Here are the Day of death dates in 2024:

  • March 5, 17, 29
  • April 5, 17, 29
  • May 5, 17, 29
  • June 5, 17, 29
  • July 17, 29
  • August 17, 29
  • September 16, 28
  • October 17, 29
  • November 16, 28
  • December 17, 29.

Tenth Day of Death

Jūshichi is the second-unluckiest day in the calendar, following the Day of Death. Jūshichi Isshōbi is another name for it, which translates to ‘day of ten deaths and one life.’

People believe that anything you try on Jūshichi will fail. So, to avoid bad luck, many avoid important things like weddings, moving, signing contracts, or even travelling. That’s why buying lottery tickets on this day is also a bad idea. 

Here are the Tenth Day of Death dates in 2024:

  • March 6, 18, 30
  • April 7, 19
  • May 1, 9, 21
  • June 2, 10, 22
  • July 4, 12, 24
  • August 5, 13, 25
  • September 6, 14, 26
  • October 16, 28
  • November 17, 29
  • December 7, 19, 31.

Days where you should buy lottery tickets

If there are bad days when buying lottery tickets, there are also good luck lottery dates. They said that these days, you can increase your lottery luck and chances of winning the jackpot. Here are the good days to buy lottery tickets: 


Taian is a lucky day on the Japanese calendar. Among the six Rokuyo days, it’s the best day. ‘Taian’ means ‘great peace.’ People believe that everything turns out great on this day, no matter what you do.

People often pick Taian for big events like weddings, moving to new homes, or starting businesses. That’s why some lottery players considered Taian the luckiest day to buy lottery tickets.

Here are the Taian dates in 2024:

  • March 3, 9, 13, 19, 25, 31
  • April 6, 11, 17, 23, 29
  • May 5, 9, 15, 21, 27
  • June 2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30
  • July 11, 17, 23, 29
  • August 7, 14, 20, 26
  • September 6, 12, 18, 24, 30
  • October 5, 11, 17, 23, 29
  • November 2, 8, 14, 20, 26
  • December 1, 7, 13, 19, 25.

One grain per day

‘Ichiryūmanbaibi’ is a Japanese phrase that means a single grain becomes ten thousand’. It’s a special day in the Japanese calendar believed to bring good luck, where even small investments can lead to big rewards.

This term originates from the idea that planting just one grain of rice can result in a bountiful harvest. It symbolises growth and abundance, often linked to financial success.

Because of this positive association, people believe that Ichiryūmanbaibi is a lucky day for buying lottery tickets. They believe that the positive energy surrounding Ichiryūmanbaibi can boost their chances of winning and attract good fortune.

Here are the Ichiryūmanbaibi dates in 2024:

  • March 2, 10, 15, 22, 27
  • April 3, 6, 9, 18, 21, 20
  • May 3, 15, 16, 27, 28
  • June 10, 11, 22, 23
  • July 4, 5, 8, 17, 20, 29
  • August 1, 11, 16, 23, 28
  • September 4, 12, 17, 24, 29
  • October 6, 9, 12, 21, 24
  • November 2, 5, 17, 18, 29, 30
  • December 13, 14, 25, 26.


Many people believe that Tenshabi is the ultimate lucky day in Japan, as it’s considered a day of forgiveness and fresh starts. People believe all the gods ascend to heaven and forgive all sins. Because of this, anything you begin on Tenshabi will have a good chance of success! Since it’s a day of good fortune, many people buy lottery tickets at Tenshabi.

Here are the Tenshabi dates in 2024:

  • March 15
  • May 30
  • July 29
  • August 12
  • October 11
  • December 26.

Tiger’s Day

People believe that Tiger Day in the Japanese calendar is lucky for money. It’s also known as ‘Money Attraction Day’ as it’s thought to be the luckiest day for financial success among all the good days.

Lottery players choose to buy on this date as they believe it increases their chances of winning. Moreover, it’s a smart move to handle any money-related tasks during this day.

Here are the Tiger Days of 2024:

  • March 3, 15, 27
  • April 8, 20
  • May 2, 14, 26
  • June 7, 19
  • July 1, 13, 25
  • August 6, 18, 30
  • September 11, 23
  • October 5, 17, 29
  • November 10, 22
  • December 4, 16.

Say goodbye to unsuccessful day lottery choices and play at XO Lotto now!

Traditional beliefs, such as the best places to win the lottery or avoiding certain days to buy, aim to maximise your potential luck. While there’s no guaranteed path to lottery riches, following calendars that mark unlucky days for lottery purchases can be an interesting strategy. It focuses on more auspicious days, which might create a more positive atmosphere around your ticket purchase. 

Even though winning the lottery is ultimately random, using this strategy in your game plan might contribute to a better outcome or make the experience more fun! Just remember, lottery wins are random, so play responsibly and enjoy the process!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why are certain days considered unfavourable for buying lottery tickets?

Some cultures have calendars based on lunar cycles or other traditional systems that mark specific days as lucky or unlucky. These calendars often associate certain days with negative energy or failure, making them supposedly inauspicious for activities like gambling. Examples include Jushichi (day of receiving death) and Fujōjubi (day of non-accomplishment) in the Japanese calendar.

Can I use a calendar to check which days are good for buying lotto tickets?

Yes, you can use calendars to check which days are said to be good or bad for buying lottery tickets. You can rely on the given dates on this page.

What are the consequences of buying lottery tickets on days considered unfavourable?

There are no real consequences for buying lottery tickets on unfavourable days. However, according to Japanese beliefs, your odds of winning might be slightly lower.


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