Individual selecting lottery numbers on a game card

Omen signs of winning Loto 6: Learn from the winners

Lottery games, like Loto 6, are all luck-based games. This means the results are random and winning is not guaranteed. However, some people have good fortune and live a charmed life. Some big winners in Loto 6 experienced extraordinary events in life and odd signs before winning.  

Learn all about the omen signs Loto 6 big winners have encountered before they won to know if winning is on your way. Here’s an overview of the signs of winning in Loto 6:


What are the signs of winning Loto 6?

Some people don’t believe in miracles or luck when it comes to lottery games, mostly due to their random results. But do you know that there are omen signs that you can consider as a signal that you’re going to win the lottery? Some of it you might find odd such as feeling unwell, dreaming of winning, and luck is at rock bottom. 

Continue reading below to learn other signs of winning the lottery:

  1. Not feeling well and unlucky

Feeling unwell or having a poor physical condition is one of the most frequently mentioned signs of winning the lottery. In Feng Shui, a poor physical condition is a sign of changing fortunes. 

Humans are thought to use a lot of energy to attract good luck, and it has been stated that bad physical condition is caused by a reduction in energy in the body. It means that a bad physical condition before the announcement of winning lottery numbers is one of the omens attracting good luck. 

Additionally, some people believe that humans replenish good fortune in their bodies while releasing bad luck into the world. Of course, having a bad physical condition is difficult, but it could be a sign of big news coming to you. People believe that your luck will improve after, and various opportunities will knock on your door.

  1. Small luck and small wins

If you keep on playing the lottery, and you win a small amount of money, it could be a sign that you’re going to win big in the future. One of the most common signs of winning the lottery is hitting small wins.

It is said that your luck will slowly rise and bloom. While it can be hard to determine if your fortune will continue to rise or your luck will decline, there’s no harm in continuing to buy lottery tickets.

Some winners of Loto 6 experience a series of small wins. For instance, a janitor won small amounts many times in the past, and in a couple of months, he won the jackpot. Take this sign as a strategy to keep on looking at the positive side of hitting small wins.

  1. Dreaming of winning the lottery

Do you believe in dream fortune-telling? This omen sign is said to be a message for you in your dreams. Some people say that when they dream of winning the lottery, it will happen in real life. So if you dream about hitting the jackpot, it may be a sign to buy a ticket.

  1. Meeting new people

Some believe that meeting new people is a sign of good luck, which makes it a good time to buy a lottery ticket. It is believed that by having new interactions, you will automatically be drawn to the energy of that individual, and your fortune will improve dramatically. The more fortunate a person is, the more influence they have on you.

  1. Feeling of drowsiness

In Feng Shui, drowsiness is a sign of good luck. By resting your body, you replace your fortunes, which then attracts good luck. So if you feel sleepy after buying a lottery ticket, take it as a good sign of winning the jackpot.

  1. A bad day is not bad luck

Feeling down doesn’t always mean bad luck. Some people believe that when you’re feeling down, it’s a sign that you’re going to win the lottery.

It is said that good luck and bad luck interchange. This means that you can buy a lottery ticket when your luck is at its worst since it will improve later. 

  1. No signs at all

Some winners said that they experienced nothing. They won the lottery without seeing signs, dreaming of it or getting sick, and are just destined to win the jackpot. In addition, they said that it’s normal for humans to get sick, feel bad or get down. This means that seeing no signs might be a signal that luck is on your way.


Spiritual signs of winning Loto 6

Lottery winners considered superstition as one of the great signs of winning the lottery. A lot of these unexpected events experienced by winners were seen as spiritual signs that led to their wins. 

Check out some of these spiritual signs below:

Spiritual sign #1 – A coincidence

Some winners said that there are times when unexpected events that occur one after another are a possibility of good luck. In spirituality, it is said that coincidence is inevitable, so you shouldn’t miss it and take on the challenge. If something happens, like meeting old friends a few times in a row, maybe it’s a sign to buy a lottery ticket.

Spiritual sign #2 – A rainbow

The rainbow has long been regarded as one of the signs of good luck, wellness, and health. It is considered a spiritual sign since you can’t see rainbows all the time. In the spiritual world, it is said that gods use rainbows to signal that wishes will come true and there’s a bright future ahead. So if you bought a lottery ticket, and you suddenly saw a rainbow, take it as a sign that you’re going to win the jackpot.

Spiritual sign #3 – A ladybug

The term ladybug is claimed to have been given because of its figure when soaring into the skies, resembling a messenger of the sun. Due to its mythological imagery, it is renowned as a symbol of lottery winnings and other good luck charms.

Additionally, in the United States and other Western nations, ladybirds are revered as ‘lucky bugs’. So, if you encounter one, consider it a sign to buy a lottery ticket. 

Spiritual sign #4 – A scarab beetle

Besides ladybug, a scarab beetle is also a sign of good luck. The scarab beetle has traditionally been associated with enhancing financial luck and taking chances. 

It is referred to as a ‘golden bug’ in Japanese. According to legend, this kanji was chosen because it has long been regarded as lucky when it comes to money and wealth. If you see a scarab in your dream, take it as a sign of good luck, fortune, and opportunities.

Spiritual sign #5 – Auspicious event

Some winners agree that after something auspicious happens, they win the lottery. There are numerous good omens, and among them are happy occasions like weddings and the birth of grandchildren. When something near or someone makes you happy, think of it as a good idea to buy a lottery ticket.

Testimonials of Loto 6 Winners

To help you decide if you’ll believe in omen and spiritual signs, we have provided the testimony and experience of each Loto 6 winner before hitting the jackpot:

Testimony #1 – Dreaming of hitting the jackpot

Mr NS, a 53-year-old from Kochi Prefecture, is a public lottery fan. He enjoys playing jumbo public lotteries and number selection lotteries.

‘Once upon a time, I dreamed over and over again that I would win the lottery and share the winnings with my siblings. When I was wondering, I won 142,049,400 yen by hitting the 1st prize of Loto 6 right after that. I never thought my dream would come true.’

When he won the lottery, he shared his fortune by repaying his parents and siblings who took care of him. 

Testimony #2 – Hitting small wins 

Mr KS, a 54-year-old from Kanagawa Prefecture, is a Loto 6 winner who won about US$170 in the regular lottery.

He began purchasing lottery tickets after that, convinced that he was set to win a large sum of money. Spring, summer, and fall passed, and in October, he won the second prize for about US$82,000 in Loto 6.

Testimony #3 – No signs at all

Mr. KM, a 38-year-old from Kanagawa Prefecture, had a winning episode when he was in a bank. One day, when he withdrew money from an ATM, he was astonished to find that the balance was too large.

‘At that time, I couldn’t enter my passbook, so I went home without knowing the balance. When I told my wife about it, she said, ‘That’s not true,’ and she didn’t believe me at all. The next day, my wife and I went to the bank to register. As a result, it turned out that I had won the 2nd prize of 12,721,500 yen in the lottery 6 purchased at the ATM.’

Testimony #4 – Believe that you will win 

Mr YT, a 63-year-old from Kochi Prefecture, linked his love of baseball to the lottery. He kept playing Loto 6 with the uniform numbers of players from the professional baseball clubs he supported. Surprisingly, he hit the second prize and won for about US$102,000.

‘Passion and persistence are the key to supporting baseball and taking on lottery challenges.’

Testimony #5 – A coincidence

In the case of Mr H from Yamagata Prefecture, his winning episode was because of an unexpected reason. They were about to go home after shopping when his toddler wanted to go to the bathroom. While waiting, he spotted the lottery booth.

‘At that time, the lottery counter suddenly caught my eye. I bought Loto 6 and won the 2nd prize of 13,520,300 yen, so I was surprised.’

Testimony #6 – A bad luck

Mr TS from Yamagata Prefecture had an accident before he won the lottery.

‘Before I won the lottery, I hit a tree. I am a number-choice lottery fan and continue to challenge Loto 6.’

On the way back from a New Year’s visit in January, he accidentally hit a large tree. Soon after, he won the Loto 6 big win second prize.

‘When I hit the tree, the pain was so severe that I saw stars, but it might have been a sign of the big Venus in Loto 6.’

Testimony #7 – State of happiness

Ms H, a 50-year-old from Gifu Prefecture, got her big hit because both her daughter and son got married one after another. She believed in her luck at the moment and chose to purchase Loto 6, hoping to win by chance.

‘When I challenged Genkatsu with 6 numbers that mixed my daughter’s and son’s dates of birth, I got a surprising result of winning 89,200,800 yen, the 1st prize in Loto 6. I believe that the deceased ancestors also celebrated the wedding of the two children and bestowed good luck on them.’

Testimony #8 – A food you don’t like

Mr MF, a 30-year-old company employee in Nagano Prefecture, had a unique experience. He suddenly found himself eating food he had previously disliked, and he thought they were great. Something about her transformation motivated her, and she decided to buy a lottery ticket. 

‘I immediately put this intuition into action and bought lottery tickets that were on sale, and won the 2nd prize of 10 million yen.’


Personal numbers to use in Loto 6

Some lottery winners have preferred numbers that they maintain. They believe it to be their lucky numbers, so they keep it to themselves. According to research, while choosing a lottery number, participants prefer to favour personally significant and readily available numbers. But how do they pick it? 

Other people pick personal numbers through their dreams. While each person has their interpretation of their dreams, some choose to take note of the numbers that appear in their dreams and use them when playing the lottery. 

A woman won more than US$670,000 in the lottery by using the set of numbers that appeared in her dream. 

‘I always play these numbers. They were in a dream I had. I remembered the numbers from that dream and put them all on a Lotto ticket.’

On the other hand, other lottery winners choose their lucky numbers depending on their birthday or star sign. Astrologers think that your star sign may provide insight into your lucky numbers, days of the week, and times of the day. For thousands of years, great leaders and ordinary people alike have relied on horoscopes to make critical judgements in all aspects of life.

For example, if you were born from August 23 to September 23, your sign is Virgo. Experts believe that Virgo’s lucky numbers are: 5, 13, 18, 19, 21, 40. In Loto 6, numbers 5, 18, 19 and 21 are one of the most frequent winning numbers


Watch out for signs and you might win Loto 6 at XO Lotto

Do you encounter odd or unexpected signs? If yes, it might be your chance to win the mega jackpot of Loto 6 of US$4 million. Don’t take a second guess and be one of the lucky winners who follow the omen and spiritual signs. Play Loto 6 XO Lotto today and discover if luck is on your side when you check the result of the draw. 


What are the omen signs of winning Loto 6?

Dreaming of numbers or winning the lottery is one of the most significant omen signs. A lot of people have won because they followed the numbers that appear in their dreams. Feeling unwell or having a poor physical condition is one of the most frequently mentioned signs of winning the lottery. In Feng Shui, a poor physical condition is a sign of changing fortunes. 

Can dreams predict winning Loto 6 numbers?

Dreams can’t predict winning Loto 6 numbers all the time. Each person has their interpretation of their dreams, so it will depend on you. However, some players choose to take note of the numbers that appear in their dreams and use them when playing the lottery. 

What is the significance of lucky numbers in winning Loto 6?

A lucky number is something that generates good reinforcement in your life. It might make you optimistic when something positive happens in your life and your lucky number is related to it. Additionally, you might even feel satisfied and more positive when you see your lucky number.

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